Cómo conseguir la Hoja de Rescate de su vehículo

Hoja de Rescate en el parasol del asiento del conductor

  • Descargue la Hoja de Rescate de su vehículo e imprímala (en color).
  • Plastifique la Hoja y colóquela en el parasol del conductor.

Descargue la Hoja de Rescate


Aufkleber.jpg, 17kB

Hoja de Rescate a bordo

Debe indicar la existencia de la Hoja de Rescate colocando una pegatina en el parabrisas, ya sea en la zona de arriba o abajo a la izquierda (mirando desde la posición del conductor) o debajo del espejo retrovisor.

¡De ninguna forma deberá obstruir el campo de visión del conductor!


Los Clubes automovilistas que aparecen abajo ofrecen pegatinas para el parabrisas que llevan el logo del Club y el texto "Hoja de Rescate a bordo":

About Fia Foundation

The FIA Foundation is an independent UK registered charity which manages and supports an international programme of activities promoting road safety, environmental protection and sustainable mobility, as well as funding specialist motor sport safety research.

The FIA Foundation was established in 2001 with a donation of $300 million made by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), the non-profit federation of motoring organisations and the governing body of world motor sport.

The FIA Foundation is an NGO in Roster Consultative Status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations and a regular participant in the Working Party on Traffic Safety and the World Forum on Harmonisation of Vehicle Standards at the UN Economic Commission for Europe, and is a leading participant in the UN Global Road Safety Collaboration. The Foundation works with a range of international agencies including the World Health Organisation (WHO), the World Bank and the UN Environment Programme on road safety and environmental issues.

FIA Foundation